2018-09-07 09:20:31 UTC
[ Our apologies should you receive this message more than once ]
Last Call For Participation (normal registration deadline approaching)
Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit (LuxLogAI 2018)<>
17-26 Sep 2018, Luxembourg
*** Late registration fee applies to non-students ***
The Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit (LuxLogAI 2018) brings together the 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2018)<>, the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2018)<>, the Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2018)<>, DecisionCAMP 2018<>, the MIREL workshop<> the annual meeting of the Deduction Systems group (Deduktionstreffen 2018)<> and the Short Summer Tutorial on Advanced Belief Change and Default Entailment (SST ABCDE 2018)<>
With its special focus theme on “methods and tools for responsible AI”, a core objective of LuxLogAI<> is to present the latest developments and progress made on the crucial question of how to make AI more transparent, responsible and accountable.
The summit will provide a forum for stimulating cooperation and cross-fertilization between the many different communities focused on the research, development and applications of Artificial Intelligence and Rule-based Systems. We invite you to join rigorous researchers and inventive practitioners in Luxembourg, a world-class location for research, development and innovation at the heart of Europe.
- Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)<>
- The University of Luxembourg<>
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)<>
- Interdisciplinary Lab for Intelligent and Adaptive Systems (ILIAS)<>
- Digital Luxembourg<> (sponsor for ***@LuxLogAI<>)
==Keynotes & Speakers==
- Hannah Bast<> (Uni Freiburg)
- Pascal Fontaine<> (Uni Lorraine)
- Georg Gottlob<> (Uni Oxford)
- Guido Governatori<> (CSIRO, Data61)
- Cynthia Kop<> (Radboud Uni Nijmegen)
- Valeria de Paiva <> (Nuance Communications)<>
- Philipp Slusallek<> (Saarland Uni)
- Daniele Nardi <> (Uni Roma)
- Daphna Weinshall<> (Hebrew Uni Jerusalem)
- Bob Kowalski<> (Imperial College), Miguel Calejo<> ( and Fariba Sadri<> (Imperial College London)
- Monica Palmirani<> (Uni Bologna)
- Yolanda Spinola-Elias<> (Uni Seville)
==Multiple Events Summit==
- MIREL (MIning and REasoning with Legal texts)<> Workshop: 17 September 2018.
- 4th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2018)<>: 17-19 September 2018.
- DecisionCAMP (Business Rules and Decision Management Technology)<>: 17-19 September 2018.
- AI and ART<>: 17-19 September 2018.
- 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2018)<>: 18-21 September 2018.
- AI Public Event<>: 19 September with Viviane Reding [(European Parliament), Toby Walsh (UNSW Sydney), Claude Adam (University of Luxembourg), Philipp Slusallek (DFKI, Saarland University)]
- Self Organizing Systems (SOS)<>: 19 September 2018.
- ***@LuxLogAI<>: 20 September 2018.
- Short Summer Tutorial on Advanced Belief Change and Default Entailment (SST ABCDE 2018)<>: 20 September 2018
- Annual meeting of the Deduction Systems group of GI e.V. (Deduktionstreffen 2018)<>: 21 September 2018.
- Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2018)<>: 22-26 September 2018.
Registration is open via EasyChair<> (
- Late registration deadline: 17 September, 2018
*** A late registration fee applies (for non-students) ***
- Summit Chair (LuxLogAI):
Leon van der Torre (U Luxembourg)
- General Chair (RuleML+RR):
Xavier Parent (U Luxembourg)
- Program Chairs:
Christoph Benzmüller (U Luxembourg & FU Berlin)
Francesco Ricca (U Calabria)
- Financial Chair
Martin Theobald (U Luxembourg)
- Proceedings Chair:
Dumitru Roman (SINTEF/U Oslo)
- Industry Track Chair:
Silvie Spreeuwenberg (LibRT Amsterdam)
- Doctoral Consortium Chair
Kia Teymouria (Boston University, Metropolitan College)
Paul Fodor (Stony Brook University)
- Int’l Rule Challenge Chairs:
Giovanni De Gasperis (U L’Aquila)
Wolfgang Faber (Alpen-Adria-U Klagenfurt)
Adrian Giurca (BTU Cottbus- Senftenberg)
- Reasoning Web (RW) Summer School
Claudia d’Amato (U Bari)
Martin Theobald (U Luxembourg)
- Publicity Chair:
Amal Tawakuli (U Luxembourg)
- Poster Chair
Alex Steen (U Luxembourg)
- Website
Shohreh Haddadan
- Web:
- Twitter: @luxlogai
- Instagram: @luxlogai
- RuleML Blog:
See you soon at the University of Luxembourg<>!
Schéi Gréiss | Mit Freundlichen Grüßen | Meilleures Salutations | With Kind Regards
Amal Tawakuli
Doctoral Candidate
CSC Research Unit
Campus Belval
6, avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval
T +352 46 66 44 9811
Last Call For Participation (normal registration deadline approaching)
Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit (LuxLogAI 2018)<>
17-26 Sep 2018, Luxembourg
*** Late registration fee applies to non-students ***
The Luxembourg Logic for AI Summit (LuxLogAI 2018) brings together the 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2018)<>, the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2018)<>, the Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2018)<>, DecisionCAMP 2018<>, the MIREL workshop<> the annual meeting of the Deduction Systems group (Deduktionstreffen 2018)<> and the Short Summer Tutorial on Advanced Belief Change and Default Entailment (SST ABCDE 2018)<>
With its special focus theme on “methods and tools for responsible AI”, a core objective of LuxLogAI<> is to present the latest developments and progress made on the crucial question of how to make AI more transparent, responsible and accountable.
The summit will provide a forum for stimulating cooperation and cross-fertilization between the many different communities focused on the research, development and applications of Artificial Intelligence and Rule-based Systems. We invite you to join rigorous researchers and inventive practitioners in Luxembourg, a world-class location for research, development and innovation at the heart of Europe.
- Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR)<>
- The University of Luxembourg<>
- Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust (SnT)<>
- Interdisciplinary Lab for Intelligent and Adaptive Systems (ILIAS)<>
- Digital Luxembourg<> (sponsor for ***@LuxLogAI<>)
==Keynotes & Speakers==
- Hannah Bast<> (Uni Freiburg)
- Pascal Fontaine<> (Uni Lorraine)
- Georg Gottlob<> (Uni Oxford)
- Guido Governatori<> (CSIRO, Data61)
- Cynthia Kop<> (Radboud Uni Nijmegen)
- Valeria de Paiva <> (Nuance Communications)<>
- Philipp Slusallek<> (Saarland Uni)
- Daniele Nardi <> (Uni Roma)
- Daphna Weinshall<> (Hebrew Uni Jerusalem)
- Bob Kowalski<> (Imperial College), Miguel Calejo<> ( and Fariba Sadri<> (Imperial College London)
- Monica Palmirani<> (Uni Bologna)
- Yolanda Spinola-Elias<> (Uni Seville)
==Multiple Events Summit==
- MIREL (MIning and REasoning with Legal texts)<> Workshop: 17 September 2018.
- 4th Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence (GCAI 2018)<>: 17-19 September 2018.
- DecisionCAMP (Business Rules and Decision Management Technology)<>: 17-19 September 2018.
- AI and ART<>: 17-19 September 2018.
- 2nd International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2018)<>: 18-21 September 2018.
- AI Public Event<>: 19 September with Viviane Reding [(European Parliament), Toby Walsh (UNSW Sydney), Claude Adam (University of Luxembourg), Philipp Slusallek (DFKI, Saarland University)]
- Self Organizing Systems (SOS)<>: 19 September 2018.
- ***@LuxLogAI<>: 20 September 2018.
- Short Summer Tutorial on Advanced Belief Change and Default Entailment (SST ABCDE 2018)<>: 20 September 2018
- Annual meeting of the Deduction Systems group of GI e.V. (Deduktionstreffen 2018)<>: 21 September 2018.
- Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2018)<>: 22-26 September 2018.
Registration is open via EasyChair<> (
- Late registration deadline: 17 September, 2018
*** A late registration fee applies (for non-students) ***
- Summit Chair (LuxLogAI):
Leon van der Torre (U Luxembourg)
- General Chair (RuleML+RR):
Xavier Parent (U Luxembourg)
- Program Chairs:
Christoph Benzmüller (U Luxembourg & FU Berlin)
Francesco Ricca (U Calabria)
- Financial Chair
Martin Theobald (U Luxembourg)
- Proceedings Chair:
Dumitru Roman (SINTEF/U Oslo)
- Industry Track Chair:
Silvie Spreeuwenberg (LibRT Amsterdam)
- Doctoral Consortium Chair
Kia Teymouria (Boston University, Metropolitan College)
Paul Fodor (Stony Brook University)
- Int’l Rule Challenge Chairs:
Giovanni De Gasperis (U L’Aquila)
Wolfgang Faber (Alpen-Adria-U Klagenfurt)
Adrian Giurca (BTU Cottbus- Senftenberg)
- Reasoning Web (RW) Summer School
Claudia d’Amato (U Bari)
Martin Theobald (U Luxembourg)
- Publicity Chair:
Amal Tawakuli (U Luxembourg)
- Poster Chair
Alex Steen (U Luxembourg)
- Website
Shohreh Haddadan
- Web:
- Twitter: @luxlogai
- Instagram: @luxlogai
- RuleML Blog:
See you soon at the University of Luxembourg<>!
Schéi Gréiss | Mit Freundlichen Grüßen | Meilleures Salutations | With Kind Regards
Amal Tawakuli
Doctoral Candidate
CSC Research Unit
Campus Belval
6, avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette/Belval
T +352 46 66 44 9811